M90 Helpful Information

Welcome to GBs, where we strive to help our members become the strongest version of themselves. In this section, you will find valuable tips and tricks to enhance your gaming experience.

The white out calculator lets you set your current levels for buildings and see what RSS and time and FCS you need to upgrade.

It also has troop upgrades, hero charms, hero gear, player gear and more.  Its worth checking out!

Should I ever buy speedups

Never!  All money should be spent only on these intems in order of importance

  1. Cheif Gear / Charms
  2. Heros and Gear
  3. Events ONLY if you can ensure a top scoring spot

Should I train new troops or upgrade old?

With how old our server is, we should NOT be making new units until all your previous units are leveled to thier possible max.  If we were new, we would want to fill a full rally first.  We are not new, SO UPGRADE YOUR OLD TROOPS.  

Troops in PVP battle will take an Average of all your ranked troops and give them that stat for the battle.  A level 5 and a level 8, you lose a lot of bonuses because of the average.  Focus on bringing all troops up as high as you can.

Do boosts/buffs work for alliance championship?

YES!  If you use a boost BEFORE you register your troops will have that boost/buff that you buy with gems or have in your bag.  WARNING: If you upgrade your lineup without a boost/buff after.  You will lose the Boost.